Publikationen im Jahr 2023
Autor | Titel | Meta | Link |
Platte, BennyStolze, G.Kowerko, DannyEngelmann, K.Langner, HolgerMeyer, T.Ritter, MarcRoschke, Christian | Hybrid Digital Twin for Accomplishing Field Studies | Third EURECA-PRO Conference on Responsible Consumption and Production 2023 | |
Manthey, RobertKunz, NicoKühn, AlexanderOertel, WolfgangPahl, BenjaminRitter, MarcRoschke, ChristianSchmidsberger, FalkTeichert, AngeloVodel, Matthias | Entwicklung und Evaluation einer virtuellen Verkehrssimulation in Kombination mit einem Expertensystem | Scientific Computing 2023 | |
Welk, Josefine | Stress or No Stress? This is the Question: Life-like Stress Detection in Different Domains using Different Hardware Solutions | Doctoral Concortium of the 17th International Conference on Health Informatics | |
Weber, MartinStandfest, HansRäder, NiklasIwai, LukasErl, BenjaminEmmerlich, CheyenneBüge, JannickRau, MelissaHeinzig, ManuelKühn, AlexanderRoschke, ChristianVodel, MatthiasEspig, MikeBanert, MichaelaRitter, Marc | Realitätsnahe Nachbildung von Umgebungen für interaktive Echtzeit-Simulationen | Tagungsband zur 23. Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innenkonferenz 2023 | |
Becher, MichelleFriedrich, AnnaWelscher, XavierClausnitzer, SerenaHubert, RonjaLeske, LauraRendtel, CatrionaHoffmann, BenjaminHeinzig, ManuelSchmidt, AnkeAndrä, KristinaRoschke, ChristianRitter, Marc | Eine explorative Studie zur Gesundheitsbewertung und -tracking mit multimodaler Sensorik | Tagungsband zur 23. Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innenkonferenz 2023 | |
Simon, AnniePrause, MartinKästl, MichaelPosselt, EnzoHeinzig, ManuelBaumgart, MatthiasKastner, ChristianRoschke, ChristianRitter, Marc | Automatisierte Erkennung von Buganfragen im Kundensupport des Bankwesens | Tagungsband zur 23. Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innenkonferenz 2023 | |
Weidner, FannyBischoff, LaurenzBätz, JohannesSchöppach, RobinBelov, GlebKambach, KevinMitsch, JannickMotuzov, AndreasMieth, MartinSchulz, AndreasWeidlich-Rau, MelissaRoschke, ChristianVodel, MatthiasKühn, AlexanderCzauderna, TobiasMüssig, DanielHeinzig, ManuelLässig, JörgRitter, Marc | A VR Office Applying Modern Search and Filter Concepts for Knowledge Workers | HCII 2023: Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality | |
Schlosser, MaxUrban, MonaTran, Ducda Rocha Nobre, CarolinaKreißig, PeterLabude, SusanBreck, DominikRoschke, ChristianRitter, MarcVodel, Matthias | Evaluating the Impact of a Mobile Learning Application on Student Motivation in a University Setting | Ireland International Conference on Education (IICE 2023) | |
Breck, DominikSchlosser, MaxThomanek, RicoRoschke, ChristianRitter, MarcVodel, Matthias | Automated Generation of Synthetic Person Activity Data for Training AI Models | Artificial Intelligence, Social Computing and Wearable Technologies, Vol. 113 |
Publikationen im Jahr 2022
Autor | Titel | Meta | Link |
Baumgart, MatthiasHösel, ClaudiaHeinzig, ManuelVodel, MatthiasRoschke, ChristianRitter, Marc | A Framework for an IT-based risk management for the third-party funding process in universities (TRINITY). | The 16th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication IMCOM2022 | Link |
Hösel, ClaudiaHeinzig, ManuelVogel, RichardKühn, AlexanderRoschke, ChristianVodel, MatthiasRitter, Marc | Adaptation of a Research-based Teaching-Learning Format with Approaches of Online Learning in the STEM Field | International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME 2022) | |
Platte, BennyRitter, MarcRoschke, ChristianThomanek, RicoWittrin, Ruben | How a few custom keycaps make standard keyboards more ergonomic and reduce eye movement by 40% | 13th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2022) | |
Platte, BennyPlatte, AnettThomanek, RicoRoschke, ChristianZimmer, FrankRitter, MarcBaumgart, Matthias | Autonomous Language Learning with Augmented Reality – An Individual Case Study | International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies, IHIET 2021 | Link |
Platte, BennyThomanek, RicoRoschke, ChristianRolletschke, TonyZimmer, FrankRitter, Marc | Modular Image Synthesizer for Annotated Test Sets on Incremental Parameter Fields | Arai, K. (eds) Intelligent Computing. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 283. Springer | Link |
Fink, VeraEibl, MaximilianRitter, MarcLangner, HolgerBurmester, Michael | Positive User Experience: Novices Can Assess Psychological Needs | Conference: CIVEMSA- 2022 IEEE 9th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Virtual Environments for Measurement Systems and Applications, At: hybrid, Chemnitz Project: I-RobEka | |
Welk, JosefineKirsten, Toralf | CluPlaR: A Framework for Clustering Spatio-Temporal Geographic Positions | International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET 2022) | |
Vogel, RichardSchmidsberger, FalkKühn, AlexanderSchneider, KristanManthey, RobertHösel, ClaudiaBaumgart, MatthiasRoschke, ChristianRitter, MarcVodel, Matthias | You can’t drive my car – a method to fingerprint individual driving styles in a sim-racing setting | International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET 2022) | |
Manthey, RobertVogel, RichardSchmidsberger, FalkBaumgart, MatthiasRoschke, ChristianRitter, MarcVodel, Matthias | Blockchain Based Social Commitment – Secure & Reliable Web Services | IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Living Environment (MetroLivEn 2022) | |
Labude, SusanBreck, DominikSchlosser, MaxMarbach, AlexanderRoschke, Christian | Development of a usability-optimised design concept in the context of an e-learning application for students in the field of data science | Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies (IHIET 2022): Artificial Intelligence & Future Applications | |
Vogel, RichardSchmidsberger, FalkKühn, AlexanderManthey, RobertBaumgart, MatthiasVodel, MatthiasRoschke, ChristianRitter, Marc | Data set for long term driving recording using immersive motion simulation in virtual racing – IMSRace | International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET 2022) | |
Manthey, RobertConrad, SteveVogel, RichardSchmidsberger, FalkBaumgart, MatthiasRoschke, ChristianRitter, Marc | Multimedia Test set System – MuTeSys | International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME 2022) | |
Manthey, RobertVogel, RichardSchmidsberger, FalkBaumgart, MatthiasRoschke, ChristianRitter, MarcVodel, Matthias | Lightweight Social Organization and Coordination System for Non-Profit Associations | International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME 2022) |
Publikationen im Jahr 2021
Autor | Titel | Meta | Link |
Hösel, ClaudiaLabude, SusanChristoph, ElisabethRoschke, ChristianBaumgart, MatthiasRitter, Marc | Participation in the Intelligibility Testing of Easy-to-Read Texts: Development of an Interface for People with Learning Difficulties. | Proceedings of the 23. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction Conference (HCI 2021). 528–534. 2021 | |
Baumgart, MatthiasHösel, ClaudiaBreck, DominikSchuster, MartinRoschke, ChristianRitter, Marc | Development of a Holistic Web-Based Interface Assistance System to Support the Intralingual Translation Process. | Proceedings of the 23. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction Conference (HCI 2021). 505-511. | Link |
Baumgart, MatthiasHösel, ClaudiaBreck, DominikVodel, MatthiasRoschke, ChristianRitter, Marc | A Framework for a Co-Creation Driven Research & Transfer Portal (CCDTP-Framework) | 5th International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies ISMSIT2021 | Link |
Baumgart, MatthiasRomer, LisaLuhr, MatthiasRoschke, ChristianRitter, MarcPlatte, Benny | An Iterative Data Cleansing and Migration Framework for Research Information Systems | 2021 IEEE International Conference on Electronic Technology, Communication and Information (ICETCI) | |
Wittrin, RubenTolkmitt, VolkerEibl, MaximilianPfleger, PaulWittrin, RasmusPlatte, BennyRoschke, ChristianRitter, Marc | Comparison of Serious Games with Established Strategy Games in the Context of Knowledge Transfer | In: Fletcher, B., Ma, M., Göbel, S., Baalsrud Hauge, J., Marsh, T. (eds) Serious Games. JCSG 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 12945. Springer | Link |
Wittrin, RubenTolkmitt, VolkerLinke, EphraimSteiner, Carolin IsabelEibl, MaximilianRitter, Marc | Identifying Optimization Potential in the Field of Learning and Game Design by Using the Example of a Pre-Alpha Prototype of “Arctic Economy” | CHI PLAY '21: Extended Abstracts of the 2021 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in PlayOctober 2021 Pages 101–104 | Link |
Publikationen im Jahr 2020
Autor | Titel | Meta | Link |
Thomanek, RicoRolletschke, TonyPlatte, BennyHösel, ClaudiaRoschke, ChristianManthey, RobertHeinzig, ManuelVogel, RichardZimmer, FrankVodel, MatthiasEibl, MaximilianRitter, Marc | Real-Time Activity Detection of Human Movement in Videos via Smartphone Based on Synthetic Training Data | Proceedings of the IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision Workshops (Seiten: 160-164) | Link |
Platte, BennyThomanek, RicoRoschke, ChristianRolletschke, TonyZimmer, FrankRitter, Marc | Simplified Indoor Localization Data Acquisition by Use of Recurrent LSTM Networks on Sequential Geomagnetic Vectors | International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies (Seiten: 115-121) | Link |
Wittrin, RubenRoschke, ChristianTolkmitt, VolkerRitter, Marc | Exploratory Study of Established Strategy Games in the Context of Knowledge Transfer Based on Selected Learning Objects from the Economic Field | 3rd IEEE Conference on E-Learning and innovation in EDucation for presentation in the 6th IEEE Congress on Information Science and Technology - 2020, in Agadir - Essaouira, Morocco | |
Josiek, SimonSchleier, SebastianSteindorf, TobiasWittrin, RubenHeinzig, ManuelRoschke, ChristianTolkmitt, VolkerRitter, Marc | Game-Based Learning Using the Example of Finanzmars | 6th IEEE Congress on Information Science and Technology - 2020 in Agadir - Essaouira, Morocco | Link |
Schleier, SebastianStolz, NoahLangner, HolgerHasan, RamaRoschke, ChristianRitter, Marc | Semi-automatic annotation of OCT images for CNN training | Design and User Experience, Part of the 22nd International Conference, HCII 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 19–24, 2020, Proceedings, Part I, 14 S. | Link |
Giesa, SophieHeinzig, ManuelManthey, RobertRoschke, ChristianThomanek, RicoRitter, Marc | An Exploratory Study on the Perception of Optical Illusions in Real World and Virtual Environments | Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics. Mental Workload, Human Physiology, and Human Energy 17th International Conference, EPCE 2020, Held as Part of the 22nd HCI International Conference, HCII 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 19–24, 2020, Proceedings, Part I | Link |
Grundel, BastianBernardeau, Marc-AntoineLangner, HolgerSchmidt, ChristophBöhringer, DanielRitter, MarcRosenthal, PaulGrandjean, AndreaSchulz, StefanDaumke, PhilippStahl, Andreas | Merkmalsextraktion aus klinischen Routinedaten mittels Text-Mining | Grundel, B., Bernardeau, M., Langner, H. et al. Merkmalsextraktion aus klinischen Routinedaten mittels Text-Mining. Ophthalmologe (2020). | Link |
Kowerko, DannyRitter, MarcKöhler, ThomasHeller, Kristina | Proceedings of the 1st Interdisciplinary PhD Workshop of Media Computer Science 2019 | Proceedings of the 1st Interdisciplinary PhD Workshop of Media Computer Science 2019 Band 8 von IBS Scientific workshop proceedings, TUDpress, 2020 | Link |
Platte, BennyRoschke, ChristianThomanek, RicoRolletschke, TonyRitter, MarcZimmer, FrankWittrin, RubenHösel, Claudia | Real-Time Video Stream Reduction on Mobile Devices for Memory-Saving Generation of Ground Truth Data for Indoor Localization | in "HCII 2020 - Late Breaking Posters" Springer CCIS Proceedings | |
Grundel, BastianBernardeau, Marc-AntoineLangner, HolgerSchmidt, ChristophBöhringer, DanielRitter, MarcRosenthal, PaulGrandjean, AndreaSchulz, StefanDaumke, PhilippStahl, Andreas | Merkmalsextraktion aus klinischen Routinedaten mittels Text Mining [Feature extraction from clinical routine data using text mining]. | Preprint auf ResearchGate | Link |
Fröh, StefanieHeinzig, ManuelManthey, RobertRoschke, ChristianThomanek, RicoRitter, Manuel | Investigating the Influence of Optical Stimuli on the Human Decision Making Process in Dynamic VR-Environments | Erschienen in: Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. Design and Interaction, Verlag: Springer International Publishing | |
Hösel, ClaudiaRoschke, ChristianThomanek, RicoRolletschke, TonyPlatte, BennyRitter, Marc | Process Automation in the Translation of Standard Language Texts into Easy-to-Read Texts – A Software Requirements Analysis | Erschienen in: HCI International 2020 - Posters, Verlag: Springer International Publishing | |
Dahlmanns, StefanKühn, AlexanderKuxdorf-Dixon, IsabelleRitter, MarcLangner, HolgerRoschke, ChristianGebel, ThoralfUlbrich, Christian | Concept and Prototypical Implementation of a Digital Component for Blended Learning | 19th European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL 2020) |
Publikationen im Jahr 2019
Autor | Titel | Meta | Link |
Manthey, RobertThomanek, RicoRoschke, ChristianRolletschke, TonyPlatte, BennyRitter, MarcKowerko, Danny | Visual System Examination Using Synthetic Scenarios | Intelligent Human Systems Integration 2019: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration (IHSI 2019): Integrating People and Intelligent Systems, February 7–10, 2019, San Diego, California, USA | Link |
Platte, BennyThomanek, RicoRoschke, ChristianRolletschke, TonyZimmer, Frank | Ein Objekt-Trackingverfahren zur Verfolgung von Personenbewegungen in Überwachungsbereichen | 25. Interdisziplinäre wissenschaftliche Konferenz Mittweida - Digitalisierung in Industrie und Gesellschaft - Arbeiten und Leben im Umfeld der 4. Indistriellen Revolution | Link |
Thomanek, RicoRoschke, ChristianPlatte, BennyManthey, RobertRolletschke, TonyHeinzig, ManuelVodel, MatthiasZimmer, FrankEibl, Maximilian | A Scalable System Architecture for Activity Detection with Simple Heuristics | 2019 IEEE Winter Applications of Computer Vision Workshops (WACVW) | Link |
Rolletschke, TonyRoschke, ChristianThomanek, RicoPlatte, BennyManthey, RobertZimmer, Frank | Generation of Individual Activity Classifiers for the Use in Mobile Context-Aware Applications | In book: HCI International 2019 – Posters DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-23528-4_42 | Link |
Rau, MelissaHösel, ClaudiaRoschke, ChristianThomanek, RicoRitter, Marc | Impact of Motivational Factors on the Learning Process in the Use of Learning Management Systems: An Empirical Study Based on Learners’ Experiences | In book: HCI International 2019 - Posters DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-23525-3_36 | Link |
Platte, BennyThomanek, RicoRoschke, ChristianManthey, RobertRolletschke, TonyZimmer, FrankRitter, Marc | Synthetic Ground Truth Generation for Object Recognition Evaluation: A Scalable System for Parameterized Creation of Annotated Images | In book: HCI International 2019 - Posters DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-23528-4_41 | Link |
Roschke, ChristianManthey, RobertThomanek, RicoRolletschke, TonyPlatte, BennyHösel, ClaudiaMarbach, AlexanderRitter, Marc | Adaptation of Machine Learning Frameworks for Use in a Management Environment | In book: HCI International 2019 - Posters DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-23528-4_27 | Link |
Thomanek, RicoPlatte, BennyRoschke, ChristianManthey, RobertRolletschke, TonyHösel, ClaudiaRitter, MarcZimmer, Frank | Use of Multiple Distributed Process Instances for Activity Analysis in Videos | In book: HCI International 2019 - Posters DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-23528-4_44 | Link |
Hösel, ClaudiaRoschke, ChristianThomanek, RicoRitter, Marc | Lexicon-Based Sentiment Analysis of Online Customer Ratings as a Quinary Classification Problem | In book: HCI International 2019 - Posters DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-23525-3_10 | Link |
Manthey, RobertSchmidsberger, FalkThomanek, RicoRoschke, ChristianRolletschke, TonyPlatte, BennyRitter, MarcKowerko, Danny | An Exploratory Inspection of the Detection Quality of Pose and Object Detection Systems by Synthetic Data | In book: HCI International 2019 - Posters DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-23528-4_40 | Link |
Marbach, AlexanderRoschke, ChristianThomanek, RicoHösel, ClaudiaRitter, Marc | Optimization of Project Management Processes Using the A* Project Management System (AStarPM) | In book: HCI International 2019 - Posters DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-23522-2_11 | Link |
Manthey, RobertThomanek, RicoRoschke, ChristianRolletschke, TonyPlatte, BennyRitter, MarcKowerko, Danny | Visual System Examination Using Synthetic Scenarios | International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration (Seiten: 418-422) | Link |
Hasan, RamaLangner, HolgerRitter, MarcEibl, Maximilian | Investigating the Robustness of Pre-trained Networks on OCT-Dataset | Conference: Actual Problems of System and Software Engineering (APSSE 2019) | Link |
Ritter, MarcRoschke, ChristianTolkmitt, Volker | Die digitale Lernsimulation Finanzmars im Kosmos von Blended Learning | CARF Luzern 2019 (Seiten: 327-344) | Link |
Publikationen im Jahr 2018
Autor | Titel | Meta | Link |
Vodel, MatthiasRitter, Marc | Data Mining with Digital Fingerprinting – Challenges, Chances, & Novel Application Domains | Working Notes of Industrial Conference on Data Mining ICDM 2018, New York, USA, 2018 | Link |
Börner, RichardKowerko, DannyHadzic, MélodieKönig, Sebastian L. B.Ritter, MarcSigel, Roland K. O. | Simulations of camera-based single-molecule fluorescence experiments | PloS one, Band 13, Ausgabe 4, Public Library of Science | Link |
Manthey, RobertThomanek, RicoRoschke, ChristianRitter, MarcKowerko, Danny | Synthetic Ground Truth Generation for Testing, Technology Evaluation and Verification (SyntTEV) | Published by BCS Learning and Development Ltd. Proceedings of British HCI 2018. Belfast, UK. | Link |
Roschke, ChristianThomanek, RicoManthey, RobertBenndorf, MaikRitter, Marc | ALBIGen: a framework to create managed and distributed digital signage systems based on laravel and iBeacons | Proceedings of the 32nd International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference | Link |
Rolletschke, TonyThomanek, RicoRoschke, ChristianRitter, Marc | Development of a holistic system for activity classification based on multimodal sensor data | Proceedings of the 32nd International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference | Link |
Vodel, MatthiasRitter, Marc | Data Mining with Digital Fingerprinting-Challenges, Chances, and Novel Application Domains | Industrial Conference on Data Mining | Link |
Platte, BennyThomanek, RicoRolletschke, TonyRoschke, ChristianRitter, Marc | Person Tracking and Statistical Representation of Person Movements in Surveillance Areas | International Journal of Design, Analysis and Tools for Integrated Circuits and Systems | Link |
Thomanek, RicoRoschke, ChristianPlatte, BennyManthey, RobertBenndorf, MaikRitter, Marc | Audio-and Location-Based Interface Generator Using Laravel and iBeacon (ALBIGen) | International Journal of Design, Analysis & Tools for Integrated Circuits & Systems | Link |
Thomanek, RicoRoschke, ChristianManthey, RobertPlatte, BennyRolletschke, TonyHeinzig, ManuelVodel, MatthiasKowerko, DannyKahl, StefanZimmer, FrankEibl, MaximilianRitter, Marc | University of Applied Sciences Mittweida and Chemnitz University of Technology at TRECVID 2018 | TRECVID WorkshopAt: Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA | Link |
Börner, RichardHadzic, MélodieKowerko, DannyKönig, Sebastian L. B.Ritter, MarcSigel, Roland K. O. | Reliable State Identification and State Transition Detection of Fluorescence Intensity-Based smFRET Data | Biennial Meeting of the German Biophysical Society | Link |
Benndorf, MaikKaden MarikaRingsleben, FredericRoschke, ChristianHaenselmann, Thomas | Investigating the Influence of CPU Load, Memory Usage and Environmental Conditions on the Jittering of Android Devices | ICNCC 2018 Proceedings of the 2018 VII International Conference on Network, Communication and Computing | Link |
Publikationen im Jahr 2017
Autor | Titel | Meta | Link |
Vodel, MatthiasRitter, Marc | Thermale Fingerabdrücke für Software Tasks | presented at the Innosecure 2015 — Innovationen in den Sicherheitstechnologien, Deutschland, 2017 | Link |
Manthey, RobertRitter, MarcHeinzig, ManuelKowerko, Danny | An Exploratory Comparison of the Visual Quality of Virtual Reality Systems Based on Device-Independent Testsets | Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality: 9th International Conference, VAMR 2017, Held as Part of HCI International 2017, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 9–14, 2017, Proceedings, S. Lackey and J. Chen, Eds. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 130–140 | Link |
John, BjörnMarkert, DanielEnglisch, NorbertGrimm, MichaelRitter, MarcHardt, WolframKowerko, Danny | Quantification of geometric properties of the melting zone in laser-assisted welding | Working Notes of Lasers in Manufacturing, Germany, 2017 | Link |
Hussein, HusseinManthey, RobertHasan, AbulHeinzig, ManuelRitter, MarcKowerko, DannyEibl, Maximilian | Design of a Laboratory for Audio and Video Based Object Localization and Tracking | Working Notes of International Summer School on Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Education Technologies (ISCSET 2017), Laubusch, Germany, 2017 | Link |
Hasan, RamaHussein, HusseinRitter, MarcEibl, MaximilianLazaridis, PavlosKhwandah, Sinsan A. | Improvement of Speech Recognition Results by a Combination of Systems | Working Nodes of International Conference on Automation and Computing, DOI: 10.23919/IConAC.2017.8082082, 2017 | Link |
Kahl, StefanWilhelm-Stein, ThomanHussein, HusseinKlinck, HolgerKowerko, DannyRitter, MarcEibl, Maximilian | Large-Scale Bird Sound Classification using Convolutional Neural Networks | Working Nodes of Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Form (CLEF 2017), 11.-14.09.2017, Dublin, Ireland, 2017 | Link |
Vodel, MatthiasRitter, Marc | Thermal Fingerprinting – Multi-Dimensional Analysis of Computational Loads | 2017 International Conference on Information Resources ManagementAt: Santiago de ChileVolume: ISBN: 978-0-473-39530-8 | Link |
Vodel, MatthiasRitter, Marc | Thermal Fingerprints for Computational Tasks – Benefits and Security Issues | International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communication ICEIC 2017 | Link |
Publikationen im Jahr 2016
Autor | Titel | Meta | Link |
Vodel, MatthiasRitter, Marc | The TUCool Project – Low-cost, Energy-efficient Cooling for Conventional Data Centres | Working Notes of 6th International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies (ENERGY 2016), Lisbon, Portugal, Volume: ISBN 978-1-61208-484-8, 2017 | Link |
Rosenthal, PaulRitter, MarcKowerko, DannyHeine, Christian | OphthalVis — Making Data Analytics of Optical Coherence Tomography Reproducible | EuroVis Workshop on Reproducibility, Verification, and Validation in Visualization (EuroRV3), herausgegeben von Kai Lawonn, Mario Hlawitschka, und Paul Rosenthal. Groningen: The Eurographics Association, 2016 | Link |
Kowerko, DannyRitter, MarcManthey, RobertJohn, BjörnGrimm, Michael | Quantifizierung der geometrischen Eigenschaften von Schmelzzonen bei Laserschweißprozessen | Conference: Forum Bildverarbeitung inKarlsruhe | Link |
Börner, RichardKowerko, DannyGuiset Miserachs, HelenaSchaffer, Michelle F.Sigel, Roland K. O. | Metal Ion Induced Heterogeneity in RNA Folding Studied by smFRET | Coordination Chemistry Reviews, Juni 2016 | Link |
Hadzic, MélodieKowerko, DannyBörner, RichardZelger-Paulus, SusannSigel, Roland K. O. | Detailed analysis of complex single molecule FRET data with the software MASH | herausgegeben von Daniel L. Farkas, Dan V. Nicolau, und Robert C. Leif, 971119, 2016 | Link |
Ritter, MarcKowerko, DannyHussein, HusseinHeinzig, ManuelSchlosser, TobiasManthey, RobertBahr, Gisela Susanne | Simplifying Accessibility Without Dataloss: An Exploratory Study on Object Preserving Keyframe Culling | Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Part of Human Computer Interaction International (HCII) 2016, At Toronto, Canada, Volume: LNCS, 12 S. | Link |
Manthey, RobertConrad, SteveRitter, Marc | A Framework For Generation of Testsets for Recent Multimedia Workflows | Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Part of Human Computer Interaction International (HCII) 2016, Toronto, Canada, Volume: LNCS, 9 S. | Link |
Schlosser, TobiasManthey, RobertRitter, Marc | Entwurf und Implementierung von Optimierungs- und Funktionserweiterungen der hexagonalen Bildrasterung in der Videokompressionssoftware x264HMod | Technische Universität Chemnitz — Studierendensymposium Informatik, At Technische Universität Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Saxony, Germany | Link |
Keller, TitusKowerko, DannyRitter, Marc | Entwicklung eines webbasierten Curve-Fitting Tools für komplexe Multiparameter-Funktionen | In Studierendensymposium Informatik Chemnitz 2016, At Chemnitz | Link |
Hussein, HusseinRitter, MarcManthey, RobertSchloßhauer, JanFabian, EtienneHeinzig, Manuel | Acoustic Event Classification for Ambient Assisted Living and Healthcare Environments | Konferenzpaper auf der 27. Konferenz Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung (ESSV) 2016, Leipzig | Link |
Kahl, StefanRoschke, ChristianRickert, MarkusRichter, DanielZywietz, AnnaHussein, HusseinManthey, RobertHeinzig, ManuelKowerko, DannyEibl, MaximilianRitter, Marc | Technische Universitat Chemnitz at TRECVID Instance Search 2016 | TRECVID Workshop | Link |
Publikationen im Jahr 2015
Autor | Titel | Meta | Link |
Ritter, MarcRickert, MarkusJuturu Chenchu, LokeshKahl, StefanHerms, RobertHussein, HusseinHeinzig, ManuelManthey, RobertRichter, DanielBahr, Gisela SusanneEibl, Maximilian | Technische Universität Chemnitz at TRECVID Instance Search 2015 | TRECVID Workshop, 16.–18.11.2015, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, 12 S. | Link |
Herms, RobertRichter, DanielEibl, MaximilianRitter, Marc | Unsupervised Language Model Adaptation using Utterance-based Web Search for Clinical Speech Recognition | Working Notes of Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF), Toulouse, France, 08.–11.09.2015, 10 S. | Link |
Vodel, MatthiasRitter, MarcHardt, Wolfram | Adaptive Sensor Data Fusion for Efficient Climate Control Systems | Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Access to Interaction, Part II. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Nr. 9176. Switzerland : Springer International Publishing. HCI International, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 02.–07.08.2015, S.582–593 | Link |
Ritter, MarcStorz, MichaelHeinzig, ManuelEibl, Maximilian | Rapid Model-Driven Annotation and Evaluation for Object Detection in Videos | Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Access to Interaction, Part I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Nr. 9175. Switzerland : Springer International Publishing. HCI International, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 02.–07.08.2015, S.464–474 | Link |
Klinck, HolgerRitter, Marc | Automated identification of blue and fin whale vocalizations using an ensemble-based classification system | The 7th International DCLDE [Detection, Classification, Localization, and Density Estimation] Workshop 13.–16.07.2015, La Jolla, CA, USA, Präsentation, 1. Platz bei der Detektion von Bartenwalen im Niederfrequenzbereich | Link |
Ritter, MarcBahr, Gisela Susanne | An exploratory study to identify relevant cues for the deletion of faces for multimedia retrieval | IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops on Human Memory-Inspired Multimedia Organization and Preservation, Turin, Italy, 29.06.–03.07.2015, S.1–6 | Link |
Bahr, Gisela SusanneWood, StephenRitter, Marc | Cognitive Tools for Design Engineers: A Framework for the Development of Intelligent CAD Systems | i-com 14(2), S.138–146 | Link |
Berger, ArneEibl, MaximilianHeinrich, StephanHerms, RobertKahl, StefanKürsten, JensKurze, AlbrechtManthey, RobertRickert, MarkusRitter, Marc | ValidAX-Validierung der Frameworks AMOPA und XTRIEVAL | Chemnitzer Informatik-Berichte | Link |